Go Curry Cracker > Expat life

how do you plan to deal with lack of Medicare coverage?


US citizens can't use Medicare when living abroad.

Also, when US citizens start getting their SS payments, I believe that certain medicare part D premiums are automatically deducted from their SS payments. This would be quite bad if the US citizens in question can't use Medicare at all. However, there might be a way to avoid having these Medicare part D premiums getting automatically deducted from SS payments.

You guys are younger than I am (I'm 53), but you might want to start thinking about all this .... 

And all US citizens expats out there, feel free to educate me further on this!

I will/do buy health insurance overseas

Hi jeremy, i would like to ask what health insurance overseas will you recommend??? Thanks


--- Quote from: Pebbles555 on November 23, 2020, 03:06:30 AM ---Hi jeremy, i would like to ask what health insurance overseas will you recommend??? Thanks

--- End quote ---

What health insurance people get outside the US is highly dependent on where they live or if they are nomadic. There is no single answer.

We are enrolled in Taiwan's national health system (like Medicare for all, it's great.)


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