So I'm going through "one more year syndrome" as well as "I'm screwed if the market tanks syndrome"
Rule #1 - be comfortable with your plan.
It sounds like you aren't comfortable.
There's nothing wrong with working 1 more year. Or 3. Or 5. Nobody wins a prize for retiring earlier or younger than somebody else.
Propeller heads of finance say 3-3.5 is the new 4% rule. The last Forbes article I read said the market has a 80% of being negative over the next 5 years given the returns of the last 10.
Nobody knows. The person with the Forbes quote knows less than most.
If you have room to and feel comfortable cutting down your expenses if there is a downturn early on in your FIRE then you would probably make it through just fine if you did so at 4%. I would be hesitant to do so if the 4% SWR only covers your absolute minimum expenses.
This. Work through your plan for the first 10 years. Are you prepared for the market to go up or down?
Read through the Wade Pfau quote and Foundations for Long Term Success here:
https://www.gocurrycracker.com/what-is-your-retirement-number-the-4-rule/And how that might play out, here:
https://www.gocurrycracker.com/the-worst-retirement-ever/If that feels cool, then...
What are you retiring
to? Do you feel enthusiastic about it, or is the excitement because you want to get
away from a job?
Enthusiasm is a far more powerful emotion than fear. Find it.