I quit my job back in Apr, 2022 to Coast FIRE in 8 years.
Now on a Freelance contract till Jun, 2023 and expected to make 80K in 2023.
My salary deferral plan (457) from ex employer begins distribution in Feb, 2023. I have an option to spread it across 5, 10, 15 years.
Current balance is 400k and interest is accrued during the distribution phase averaging between 6-7% per year.
For 2023, if we spread the 457 distribution across 10 or 15 years we remain in 22% Marginal bracket, if 5 years it will be 24%. Not sure after 2023, depends on my gig income. We can meet our expenses with my spouse's reatively stable income + any of 5, 10 year (not 15 yr) distribution.
Question: Not able to decide to go with 5,10 or 15 years distribution? Any thoughts very much appreciated.
Thanks for your help!