Hi Mike
Sorry for your loss

I wrote a post about the tradeoffs on an inherited IRA awhile back
https://www.gocurrycracker.com/the-secure-act-compression-of-the-stretch-ira/The balancing act between withdrawing the IRA funds in 1 year or 10 years is going to be guided by the marginal tax rates you pay, including ACA subsidies.
The Inflation Reduction Act extended the enhanced ACA subsidies (up to 600% FPL) through 2025. After that subsidies halt at 400% FPL unless new legislation is passed.
There is a chart of ACA "tax rates" in this post.
https://www.gocurrycracker.com/american-rescue-plan-act-of-2021/This means through 2025 we have a wide 8.5% ACA tax bracket, which could be taken advantage of from 400% to 600% FPL (if beneficial)
For household size = 2
$45k = 258% FPL
$69,680 = 400% FPL
$104,520 = 600% FPL
Numbers from
https://www.gocurrycracker.com/aca-premium-calculator/Similarly we have Federal income tax
0% - $25900
10% - $46450
12% - $109,450
22% - $204,050
24% - above $204k
Numbers from
You have income of $45k, ~260% FPL. At most you pay ~$2k/year for an ACA silver plan ($1944)
You are nearly at the top of the 10% federal tax bracket, plus whatever you pay in State taxes (IL(?), flat 4.95%)
You pay 0% tax on qualified dividends at the federal level, so total tax is probably 0
State tax
With a flat state tax you pay the same rate whether you withdraw $1 or $250k, so I will ignore this.
If in a state like California with a big progressive tax system, this would need to be factored in.
Now, let's add inherited IRA withdrawals
Starting with the extreme
$250k withdrawal
Income now $295k
Will pay full fare on ACA insurance - let's swag $8.8k (fill in your own number if you have it - this is the max allowed at 600% FPL and assumes no subsidy cliff.
($8800 actually seems high for 2 people, we would pay $12k for 4.)
In 24% federal bracket, total federal tax assuming all ordinary income - ~$50,5k
State tax - $x
Effective tax rate on IRA withdrawal = ~$7k (extra ACA) + $50.5k (extra Federal) / $250k = 23%
Top of 600% FPL bracket
Income: $45k
IRA withdrawal: $59,520 (~5 years to deplete IRA +/-, but only guaranteed 600% FPL for 3 more years)
ACA - $8.8k
IRS - ~$6.6k
Effective tax rate on IRA withdrawal = ~$7k (extra ACA) + $6.6k (extra Federal) / $59,520 = 22.8%
By extending the withdrawals out over a longer period (5 years) we save 0.2% in tax
Making a very large withdrawal above the ACA subsidy cliff means a large portion of the withdrawal is not "ACA taxed" at all, so loss of ACA subsidies only contributes 2.8% tax rate
We can continue downward
Top of 400% bracket
Income: $45k
IRA withdrawal: ~$25k
ACA - ~6k
IRS - $2.5k
marginal rate: $4k (extra ACA) + 2.5k (extra Federal) / $25000 = ~$26%
This actually
costs more because most of the withdrawal is ACA taxed at the highest point in the ACA tax curve (~15% vs 8.5%)
Some other things to consider:
Presently at $45k income you MIGHT get some CSR subsidies (they stop at 250% FPL and you may be over or under depending on which side of "roughly $45k" you are.)
If you do get them (meaning lower deductibles and co-pays) that can be worth $1000s of dollars if you need medical attention.
This is not factored into the above math.
It can be WORTH MAKING A SMALL IRA CONTRIBUTION to pull yourself under 250% FPL
You have the option of using a HDHP bronze plan, possibly with HSA option - this would make the 400% FPL scenario look mildly better with lower premiums.
My math could be wrong, I just cranked this out in 10 minutes so
please triple checkHere is my spreadsheet:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c32m3i9yfax0g67qq7zlp/upperwestmike_inheritedIRA.xlsx?dl=0&rlkey=7leunluekkeeq85jd8dnbplvuIf my ACA premium assumptions are off, the numbers shift. Perhaps substantially (a few percent)
This is critical.Conclusions:
Were it me, I might go for the giant lump sum in 1 year and pay the extra ~0% tax for simplicity.
Then I would work to ensure I get CSR subsidies in the remaining years (<250% FPL.)
Doing this in a 20% down market has a silver lining (maybe withdrawing $200k instead of $250k?) AND we shift the future gains from a down market from ordinary income (IRA withdrawals) to long-term capital gains.