Well it’s been over 8 weeks and the TSP reissued check status is unknown, although after multiple calls and hours spent talking to representatives and supervisors who can’t help, they say the operations team is still working on it. Maybe by the time it gets to Vanguard the market will be back down anyway! Kidding aside, thanks for the answer. I figured that but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.
For me, transferring out of TSP is for a couple of reasons- one is to simplify as it is essentially a duplication of my Vanguard IRA accounts, and the IRA rules are more flexible than the TSP rules, especially related to withdraws (I.e. can choose which investment to withdraw from bs proportional withdraw, etc.). Another advantage is timing. Getting at least some of the Trad TSP to my Vanguard Trad IRA will allow for quicker annual Roth conversions (a day vs at least 2 weeks if things don’t go wrong like this time) so the variability of the market is much less of a factor and I wouldn’t need to go through the cumbersome TSP process annually.