Much thanks GCC for your replies. I didn't get an email that my post had a reply so I just found out by coming to this post.
I didn't know that some companies allow ex employees to keep their 401k. That's an awesome option since it is at a lower expense ratio than vtsax.
I plan to travel to less expensive countries in the first year or two so I won't be using ACA. I will review your ACA posts and stay alert this year to see if anything changes to this plan.
Now re-reading your GCC vs RMD post (I should've done so before I asked the question, sorry): don't have traditional IRA, just roth ira and 401k. It sounds like that I should be converting from my 401k (with less expense ration mentioned above) to a roth ira for this conversion ladder.
I read an article about the long vs short term capital gains on my RSUs. I'll dig more into it but it sounds like if I sold them a year after they are granted, they are considered long term and will be taxed at 15-20% instead of regular earned income.
So how I'm understanding it is: (and I will check with an accountant on this as I've procrastinated to do so for the past few years)
1. Keep accumulating until I'm FIRE, meanwhile look into medical / ACA options
2. Once retired, rollover my 401k to a Traditional IRA if necessary
3. Sell RSUs that are considered long-term first, and put most of them in brokerage account, and keep 1-2 years' worth of cash for safety (this way I can throw all my earnings into brokerage right now). The earnings will be considered as long term capital increases at a lower tax rate
4. Start roth conversion in 2020 (as I believe I wont be able to do this since I'm still working almost half a year in 2019) and plan for capital gain harvesting.
5. Finally relax from my high stress life and spend time with my wife and family
Congrats to your highest viewing month ever! I hope you have a great trip in Europe this year and I look forward to future posts and hopefully can finally meet you in person some day!