Go Curry Cracker > Expat life

long term USA phone number in Taiwan

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We plan to go to Taiwan for several years starting this summer.

We currently use Google FI. But their terms vaguely say it can't be used for long term international travel. "If you try to activate Fi abroad or use Fi service predominantly internationally, you may have your international capabilities suspended."

I've also read that many banks/companies won't allow Google Voice for 2-factor authorization.

What's the easiest/cheapest way to keep a US number while in Taiwan, specifically for 2 factor use?


I used google voice either on my laptop or iphone app

This is $0

Phone service with a local number in Taiwan is fairly inexpensive

Thanks for confirming... I'll set my Voice number up for a couple banks' 2 factor and test it out. I thought it wasn't an option since I had read it wouldn't work well for 2-factor texts.

Yes, for local TW everyday use we'll definitely have local mobile service.

It worked for 2-factor for me for everything I ever tried

The only thing it didn't work for was verifying identify if I called Chase bank to work through an issue. They would try to send a text, it would fail, and then we would verify identity in another way. For everything else... no issues.


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