I've been projecting what would happen tax wise if I got married to this amazing woman who's captivated my heart. We live abroad but could possibly end up back in the states, unlikely though. My projections are below for married vs single and Cali vs abroad for a hypothetical situation to better understand what would happen. Feel free to ask how I got my numbers for any of the numbers below.
My biggest confusion is regarding FICA taxes. Online FICA calculators say my FICA taxes wouldn't increase but based on my readings of tax documents, my maximum owed SS taxes would increase. One individual would be earning the income but I don't think this matters since b be earning as a unit if we filed married filing jointly. I also am quite sure my FEIE would double.
The numbers below include a 12000 standard deduction per individual and maxing a 401k for one person (19000). I don't think being married allows one to double their 401k contribution if their spouse isn't working at the same company.
*All numbers are hypothetical and necessarily my actual numbers.
Keep under 250 or extra .9% tax
Abroad Single MFJ
Income 157040 157040 250000
FEIE 103900 207800 207800
Roth 6000 0 12000
FICA 10237.88 12013.56 19125
Taxable Inc 22140 0 0
Taxes Owed 5313.6 0 0
Total Tax 15551.48 12013.56 19125
Cali Single MFJ
Income 157040 157040
Federal 24539 16968
Roth 6000 11000
FICA 10237.88 12013.56
H Insur 2000 4000
Cali Taxes 9682 6526
Total Tax 44458.88 35507.56