We got married at a courthouse for $50, have never had rings, and our honeymoon was a 10 day 100 mile hike that cost $0.
Or another way to look at it, we are 6 years into a 60 year honeymoon.
https://www.gocurrycracker.com/i-do/Relationships are really about shared values. Sometimes (but seldom) those include high savings rates and efficient spending.
Saving for financial independence is really about spending money on only the things you truly value. Sometimes (often) that is a wedding.
That could be a big gala in Australia where your friends & family have to buy airplane tickets and hotels to come see your special day or it could be a small gathering followed in Chicago with your favorite pizza and your closest friends, at a time when you are going to be there anyway (visiting home is a normal cost of International living... maybe even do it with miles/points.)