Of course, thank you GCC.
With about two decades until we're hit with RMDs and about $1M (today's dollars) in IRAs I'm going to continue to stick to an income in the range that offers those sweet sweet cost-sharing subsidies. As much as anything, because it seems the ACA and its form of tax credits and subsidies don't seem long for this world. If the Dems get their way, a public option or Medicare for All will be available. If the GOP gets its way, the ACA will be repealed and we'll likely be back to to the subsidy-less days before the ACA. In years under either of those scenarios, plus the 5 years that we'll be on Medicare but before RMDs have begun, I'm betting we can do the bulk of our Roth Conversions while staying within the 12% tax bracket. As we get closer to that time and it's looking like my prediction is wrong, we can crank out the Roth conversions, subsidies be damned.
Knowing the way I think, once a subsidy-based system is gone, I'll kick myself for not taking advantage of them while I had the chance.
Please poke holes in my thinking if warranted.