Author Topic: Fidelity over Vanguard for a Traditional IRA?  (Read 3105 times)


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Fidelity over Vanguard for a Traditional IRA?
« on: March 27, 2020, 08:54:01 PM »
I've contributed to a Roth 401k from my work previously, but that's pretty much all the experience I have when it comes to investing  (so almost nonexistent).
Now, I'm looking into opening a Traditional IRA, and wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything before I go ahead and open an account. I looked into Vanguard since I thought it was considered the best when it comes to low expense ratios, but looking into Fidelity I noticed it had even lower expense ratios. This is mostly following Index funds/ETFs that follow S&P500 (VFIAX/VTI  and FXIAX). They both had similar average returns, and no loads or commisions, but Vanguard has a minimum of $3,000 and you have to have at least $10,000 in each mutual fund to not inquire a $20 annual account service fee. I didn't see anything like that in Fidelity. It seems to me that Fidelity is better than Vanguard for what I'm looking for right now. Is there anything that I'm missing that I should be aware of?
Thank you so much in advance.


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Re: Fidelity over Vanguard for a Traditional IRA?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2020, 01:07:24 AM »
6 of one, half dozen of the other....

Vanguard has no $20 annual fee if you enroll for e-delivery (no snail mail.)

There is no minimum amount for ETFs at either brokerage

The Fidelity funds (in theory) have a lower expense ratio (0%) but TBD if this lasts or for how long. It may be that Vanguard, in practice, has a lower fee (actually negative) - all ETF providers lend earn $ by lending shares to short sellers. With Fidelity, that income goes to the bottom line. With Vanguard, that income offsets expenses and is returned to the fund owners (you.)

99% of our $ are at Fidelity in Vanguard ETFs. This is primarily because my work 401ks were with them and there was no incentive to change. As a bonus, Fidelity is pretty good for no fee ATM withdrawals with reimbursement on any fees charged by others institutions worldwide.


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Re: Fidelity over Vanguard for a Traditional IRA?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2020, 04:28:14 PM »
Thank you for your quick response.
I'm now leaning towards holding Vanguard ETFs at Fidelity!