Current Situation:
Pension with COL increases 125,000 yr
Second Career $180,000 yr
Age 55, married, no debt
$300,000 457b -available now without penalty but must pay taxes when I take it out
$250,000 Non-retirement accounts Vanguard-after tax investments
$120,000 Ira Rollover Vanguard (spouse/myself)
$20,000 Roth IRAs
$50,000 Cash
When should I start rolling over Traditional Ira to Roth Ira?
When I take out my 457 money:
1. Should I roll 457 over to Traditional IRA or take it out and invest it after paying taxes on it. (or)
2. Roll it over to Roth IRA when I stop working at my second career? My tax bracket will be lower-obviously