Thanks to your posts in the last few years my AGI went down almost $25,000! I almost cut my tax bill in half! Additionally, my Networth has just about tripled in that timeframe.
How I did it:
-Realizing wife 457 is magic(I actually have to give special thanks to Millionaire educator on this)
-Realizing I should do traditional TSP not Roth
-By doing the above strategies I kept our MAGI low which keeps us into the qualifying range for traditional IRA's, thereby saving us more in taxes
-We have a fair amount of medical expenses so we almost max out flexible spending accounts(about $5000)
Any other thoughts on what what we could do? I have consider HSA's on the next phase but considering we have such high medical expenses I have been reluctant to enter a HDHP. I have it on my plan but my wife doesn't and her employer tends to pay a little more for health insurance.
If we don't do HSA's we hope to delve into taxable accounts soon....but for now my wife is pushing me to spend a little more money on fun stuff !!