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Messages - twa

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General Discussion / Re: Post-cruising life
« on: May 04, 2020, 08:43:01 PM »
I can't tell you how many dive masters we ran across during our travels.  Some were selling time shares on the side, but it seemed like a good gig.  I was certified for cave diving by an ex-South African special forces member in Tulum, Mexico.  Good times. 

The site is  Again, it's just a hobby, and I view this as somewhere my friends and family can check out my thinking, and I can provide links to the more technical FI information if they are interested. 

With no debt and decent paying jobs, we're just stashing away as much as we can waiting for the recovery so we can watch it all grow.  At this point, don't have any questions.  I may take you up on that in the future.  Thank you. 

General Discussion / Post-cruising life
« on: April 18, 2020, 10:08:49 AM »
Hi Jeremy,

On your blog you indicated that you prefer contact to be made in your forum rather than your email.  Feel free to send me a personal email if you'd like to connect. 

I'm reaching out because I stumbled across a cruising post you made a few years ago, and thought you might be interested in my experiences. 

My gf and I are just returning to work life after a 4 year cruising adventure.  We left Seattle in 2016, and made it as far as the southern end of Costa Rica before deciding that a Pacific milk run wasn't in the cards for us.  We sailed back up into Baja over the course of a couple of years, and the boat is currently on its way back to Seattle by way of Victoria. 

When we left, we had some modest savings and just figured this was how it was done.  Save, sail, spend, and do it all over again when the money ran out.  Along the way, we met quite a few younger sailors who had invested well and were out indefinitely.  I didn't know it at the time, but this was my first introduction to FIRE. 

I made a ton of stupid financial mistakes when I was younger and during our cruising time.  Also, we learned that we really enjoyed parking the boat in a safe place during hurricane season and traveling by backpack, staying long periods of time in cheap-to-live countries.  One of our key discoveries over the last four years is that while cruising is an amazing way to live, it's not cheap and comes with its own stresses and responsibilities.

Inevitably, we ran out of money and are currently re-assimilating back into work life.  Better educated, we have a 10-year plan to engage in retirement dos.  It's such a weird time to begin a new phase in our lives, but we are also excited about what's in front of us.  In financial terms, the pandemic has created a once in a lifetime opportunity for us to begin investing into a market on sale. 

I've started a blog tracking our journey from a mini cruising retirement to financial independence, but it's just a hobby for me and hopefully will provide some inspiration to sailors and travelers who have been bitten badly by the bug but can't figure out how to make it work financially. 

I'm not looking for traffic here...just reaching out.  But would love to hear back from you. 


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