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Topics - glossolalia

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Clearly sign up bonuses are where you'll receive the most ROI for your credit card spend, but what happens when you've taken advantage of all the sign up bonuses that are out there? Does this point simply never come because there are endless offers and you just find new ones to take advantage of every year? Or do you cancel these cards and rinse and repeat? In short, how do you keep the game going?

For someone whose bulk of purchases is in the "Other/Miscellaneous" category, would using the Chase "Sapphire Reserve/Sapphire Preferred/Freedom" combo still bring more travel value than using the Alliant Visa Signature card, which gives 2.5% back on everything? (Assume I was going to use 100% of rewards on travel in both cases.) Yearly spend is about $45k.

Is there a place I can see prices for flights and hotels using Chase UR points?

Thanks for your insight!

General Discussion / Why VTI?
« on: April 18, 2018, 02:38:49 PM »

Great blog! Quick question. Why do you prefer to invest in VTI as opposed to similar options like VTSAX or an S&P like VOO?

Would love to hear your insight!


Simple question: If I sell my US-based business in May while living abroad the entire year, can I use the FEIE to deduct the first ~$100,000 of my business sale profit?

Taxes / 401k Contribution Limits for Self Employed Couple?
« on: April 13, 2018, 09:42:47 AM »
Love the blog! Quick question:

Me and my wife are both self employed. We are both sole proprietors (different businesses) and we file our taxes jointly. I'd like to start contributing as much of our earnings as possible to a self employed 401k. One day when we sell our businesses and have zero income, I'd like to start converting those 401k funds into a Roth IRA (or Roth 401k) and avoid taxation.

My questions are:

1) In our situation, how much can we both contribute in 2018?
2) Do we need to each have our own individual 401k or should it be combined into one?
3) When the time comes, is there any benefit to converting to a Roth IRA vs a Roth 401k?

Apologies in advance for such basic questions. Just learning how all this works!

Thanks again for a fantastic blog!


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