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Topics - AtlSwiss

Pages: [1]
Early Retirement / serious conversation concerning early retirement
« on: March 19, 2018, 05:37:33 AM »
when is enough enough?

just read your is your 401k too big? and it ignited my desire to open up a dialogue concerning the switch to retirement at my current age of 58 and my mind is full of questions, philosophical issues and creating multiple retirement strategies that obfuscate my mind and brings me back to analysis paralysis. How do you decide the path that makes you happier? quantify your happy quotient and one day say Time to Retire? Or start to engineer my layoff from my current employer and negotiate a severance sotheby?s st year of retirement is taken care of? (already like the sound of that option)

love to setup a session with you or to open up the dialogue via this forum.

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