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Topics - bimmerjeff

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Taxes / Why would cap gains not apply for Capital Gains Harvesting?
« on: February 20, 2019, 09:38:10 AM »
Hey Jeremy,

Your last post you mentioned that instead of 100% Dividends you could split between some dividend income and some income from Cap Gains Harvesting and have less taxable income that way.  Both are taxed at 15%, I don't see the savings?  Can you explain this a bit further? Note, this assumes I am in a US residence, was your exaple for expats fully decoupled from the US?  Thanks!


Hey Jeremy,

I read several comments you made in recent posts about worrying if you qualify for the lowest ACA teirs in Covered CA, should you move back here.  We are about to move to Taipei from CA, but plan to move back within a few years at most.  When I come back I figured if we don't qualify for the cheapest ACA teir due to income levels, I would buy a high deductible insurance plan that doesn't start coverage until a $10k cap per year, and just pay out of pocket for any care we need.  The premiums are very low per month, as the insurer rarely pays out.  Even with an occasional big bill this should be less than paying over $1000 a month forever for an ACA family plan, at least most years, as we are all healthy and rarely see a doctor.  In a big emergency, the plans cover everything beyond $10k.  Yes, it would suck to write a $10k check on a bad year but that's my max out of pocket, and would have paid more in the year in premiums anyhow.  You have talked about self-insuring before in your blog, why the switch to ACA now? 

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