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Messages - Paul1011

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Roth or Taxable Account
« on: March 24, 2022, 04:38:24 PM »
Sorry if already asked, but could not find it.

If we plan on "trying" to stay in the 0% capital gains rate upon retirement, wouldn't it make sense now to put more into our taxable account versus our Roth IRA account?

Early Retirement / Re: Sell home to fund early retirement?
« on: December 31, 2020, 10:14:34 AM »
I have read conflicting articles on whether California is a good state to retire in regard to taxes.  As we will be traveling a lot and for at least two years full time, I thought setting up residency in say Nevada while I have no income and am doing Roth conversions would be a good idea...?

Also, Carlsbad (just north of San Diego) is very expensive.  I love it here and the fact I can walk to the beach in a few minutes.  But, I've downsized about as much as I can and we are now in a 2 bed condo that was $600K.  I guess we could sell and travel for awhile and then come back and rent, but housing would always be a huge percentage of our budget.

I have a lot to think through.

Early Retirement / Re: Sell home to fund early retirement?
« on: December 30, 2020, 12:19:04 PM »
Thank you for the advice.  Definitely plan to sell and move out of San Diego...and California!

Early Retirement / Sell home to fund early retirement?
« on: December 29, 2020, 02:28:22 PM »
I have not seen the below as a strategy and I am hoping for feedback and advice please.

54 now.  Sell house in 3 years; net about $400K to live off of and slow travel for a couple years until I’m 59 ½.  Figure expenses to be about $60K/yr including travel health insurance and/or subsidized ACA since income will be very low…probably just roth conversions.  At 59 ½ will have 25X annual expenses plus around $350K cash.

Does this sound like a sound strategy?  I have searched, but haven’t found “selling your home to fund your early retirement” as a strategy.  Barely early I guess at 57 lol.

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