General Discussion / Re: 3.3% SFR then 5% after 5 yrs?
« on: September 28, 2018, 07:34:41 PM »
Being happy/content is hard for me?I grew up in a?what?s next life?military brat. The Buddhist practice of mindfulness helped me temporarily but I?ve always been obsessed with my goals(I?m still working on living in the moment and appreciating it?goal #1). Goal #2 is FI then ER. Although when I make it to $X(what I thought would give me a great sense of accomplishment)then I think $Y will be more of a relief. It?s a perpetual let down. I?m hoping for a complete financial disconnect after achieving ER. At least it will give me a little different perspective. My modest and ever changing background probably influences my perception of ER. I have learned that for me the greatest happiness has been what I find when I?m with my kids, so I do try to savor those moments.
As far as investing I?ve been currently adding 1.5% a month so that heavily outweighs returns. I really shouldn?t worry. That same amount was more like 10% when I first started aggressively adding 4 years ago. I?ve also tried multi-unit commercial real estate and that has been going surprisingly well. More luck and good friends helping then skill?so again not an endorsement of that strategy, you have to have the time and temperament. I had a few meltdowns then a friend started helping me manage it. If it was debt free it would cover about a third of our income needs.
You are right again about my inflation fears. The worst time ever to retire should be a lot worse then a current downturn even with moderate inflation in the future. I DEFINITELY don?t want to work 5 extra years. That makes me physically ill thinking about it. I?d rather fight that insidious viral doubt by working part time when we are in the states if I must.
New goal #3?think of myself as an axe and throw away all my rulers!! Thanks for the blog and great job on the forum!
As far as investing I?ve been currently adding 1.5% a month so that heavily outweighs returns. I really shouldn?t worry. That same amount was more like 10% when I first started aggressively adding 4 years ago. I?ve also tried multi-unit commercial real estate and that has been going surprisingly well. More luck and good friends helping then skill?so again not an endorsement of that strategy, you have to have the time and temperament. I had a few meltdowns then a friend started helping me manage it. If it was debt free it would cover about a third of our income needs.
You are right again about my inflation fears. The worst time ever to retire should be a lot worse then a current downturn even with moderate inflation in the future. I DEFINITELY don?t want to work 5 extra years. That makes me physically ill thinking about it. I?d rather fight that insidious viral doubt by working part time when we are in the states if I must.
New goal #3?think of myself as an axe and throw away all my rulers!! Thanks for the blog and great job on the forum!